Monday, March 21, 2016

Hey! Don't Follow Me!

I don't know where I'm going!  Spiritually I'm a wanderer. My course has been like the elliptical orbit of a comet. In the center is God; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At one end is the religion of my youth, and perhaps my old age too. That is Seventh-Day Adventism. In my course I've gone past many other religious systems and the other end has swung out into empty space. But the force of God's gravity pulls me back and as I orbit back round to Him I again find myself pulled back toward the Advent movement too.

Like the pesky comet I've become, cyclically I swing away from it again. I get focused on the idiosyncrasies I perceive, anything that seems to be false or hypocritical in my own eyes. The internet is full of arguments that can keep you spinning in circles forever. But as I've looked around I haven't yet found anything more true. A religion more true to me from a Biblical standpoint hasn't come up and I've investigated quite a few. I've been a visitor to really lovely and seemingly loving congregations. I've felt really convicted by some that do so much for others socially. I've envied what appeared to be the pure and simple piety of some religious folk who have never felt the need to question their childhood faith.

At this moment I am being pulled back in toward Adventism. I like the sense it makes if you take the Bible at it's word. If you are really going to go all sola scriptura and throw out traditions not written down there I really believe you get something that looks a lot like Adventism. I'm not saying it's perfect. Adventism doesn't even claim to be perfect. It doesn't claim to be the whole Church or the only ones who will be saved. It claims to be a movement of imperfect people saved by faith in Jesus Christ seeking to follow Him and obey His commands. Maybe that is enough.

I want to use this little blog to work out some of my scattered thoughts and chronicle some of my wanderings. Perhaps I can settle down. But I know myself enough to know that is not a high likelihood. That is why I say don't follow. I wouldn't call myself lost as long as my merciful Savior is by my side but neither have I found my spiritual home.

 I mean, you can follow this blog if you want but it may wander too.

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